Etincelles et Compagnie

Etincelles et Compagnie

download BetterTouchTool v.2.846 for Sierra

0 appréciations

Main category - Utilities
Sub category - System
Developer - Andreas Hegenberg
Filesize - 21402
Title - BetterTouchTool
► v 2.846 BetterTouchTool

Added the Custom Snap Area feature which was previously only available in BetterSnapTool. It allows you to define your own custom snapping areas (and therefore resize windows to any position/size you want). They can be triggered like the normal window snapping feature, but also via gestures and shortcuts. New snap areas can be created by clicking the BetterTouchTool menubar icon and going through the Snap Area menu. To take care of this, click on the Open System Preferences button in the BetterTouchTool warning window. In the resulting window (Figure B), click the lock in the lower-left corner, type your password, click the Privacy tab, and then click to enable BetterTouchTool. Copyright © GmbH Added more options to advanced thumb handling "I like Spectacle because of the hotkeys - super efficient, free."Recommended by Korbin H "I think it worth trying. In my opinion, I satisfy with it very much."Recommended by D Tom


Updated to High Sierra {22258 KB}

Recomended on El Captan {22900 KB}

• Supports portrait and landscape mode
Added option to recover licenses purchased via Fastspring (in the registration view)
New JSON based Copy & Paste Copy & Paste is now also JSON based.
Various bugfixes
Clipboard Manager adds new line inbetween when pasting multiple
Three-finger click.
BetterTouchTool 2.02 (January, 31, 2017)

Torrent v.2.260 BetterTouchTool E28VC 2.697 10.13.5

Software 1WrOEF vers.2.763 BetterTouchTool 2.532 Best on 10.11.6

Software jSP36S BetterTouchTool vers.2.710 2.805 Recomended on Mac

Download BETTERTOUCHTOOL VERS.2.350 NBQ 2.813 Featured to MacOS

Crack GMGV VERS.2.696 BETTERTOUCHTOOL 2.332 Japanese version

Update BetterTouchTool 2.503 P7CmST 2.754 Hindi version

to 10.11.4 BVlp.Output.Factory.Server.ver..2.1.18.pkg 2.0.1

Recomended! version DZA.V.19.2.16.MANAGER.APP 19.5.6
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