Etincelles et Compagnie

Etincelles et Compagnie

(.app) for iMac download perform operations on video timings in many formats.

0 appréciations

Main category, Multimedia Design
Sub category, Video
Developer, Netmedia
Filesize, 2970
Title, Timecode Calculator
❱ Timecode Calculator_vers.2.5.5.tar.gz

You may not notice that, there are a few of Mac applications that come with dedicated uninstallation programs. Though the method mentioned above can solve the most app uninstall problems, you can still go for its installation disk or the application folder or package to check if the app has its own uninstaller first. If so, just run such an app and follow the prompts to uninstall properly. After that, search for related files to make sure if the app and its additional files are fully deleted from your Mac.
Uninstall Timecode Calculator Widget 1.1.6 from your Mac
If you setup your Tentacle Sync device with the App, you already see the extended settings, but if you do the setup on your computer, you go to Mode > Extended Settings. The window on your screen will show more information about your device:
Language supported
Hollywood Calculator — Hollywood Calculator comes in two versions, a stand-alone application and a Dashboard widget. In either one, plug in a timecode value and choose the frame rate from a pop-up menu. In addition to NTSC and PAL, you can choose frame rates of 29.97 (which is actually the true frame rate of NTSC; applications such as iMovie round up in editing) or 24 (which is the rate for feature films). Then enter the second value you’re calculating and choose to add or subtract that from the first value.

10.11.4 [3118 KB]

Featured 10.11.6 [3534 KB]

Timeline audio video editing
A free poweful Excel macro for all your timecode calcultation needs
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Speed is optional (by default equal to fps), and it is useful, if you want to run 30 NDF timecode at 29.97 frames per second.
Converts frame count to TimeCode.
TimeCode Calculator (version 2.0) is available for download from our website. Just click the green Download button above to start. Until now the program was downloaded 239 times. We already checked that the download link to be safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded software with your antivirus.

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