Etincelles et Compagnie

Etincelles et Compagnie

install AstroImager to Mojave

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Main category, Education
Sub category, Science
Developer, CloudMakers
Filesize, 36147
Title, AstroImager

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Subject: LPI Mac OS X driver Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:48:08 From: Lyle Scheer I've been looking at the following page on your web site: It makes me want to try this, but it looks like sonix has removed the os9/mac os x driver from *their* website. I don't suppose you have a copy of the driver floating around and can email it to me? - - Lyle Scheer Mike here: I presume it is still there; you just need to register an account with their site.
After installing the ASCOM Platform, please install below ASCOM drivers, then you can use many 3rd party astro software through ASCOM.
PEMPro - periodic error correction, polar alignment and backlash using your CCD Camera or Webcam
Platinum Boarder
macam - USB webcam driver for Mac OS X

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Posted 04 May 2016 - 03:29 PM A powerful new software to operate the SX Oculus, is now available from: So in summary, last night I managed to run Astroguider and connect the Lodestar x2. I also managed to the connect the lodestar to the Astroimager. Nevertheless, even with the best effort we can’t test all cameras, so please download a trial version and test it with your camera before buy it! If it will not work, let us know, maybe we can still help you and fix it. To run AstroDSLR you need Apple Mac running OS X 10.11 or later. Hello, I am currently studying in China and want to be in touch with friends and family over the webcam that I bought here, but alas it is unsupported by your program. The camera, according to the system profiler, is this: PC Camera: Version: 1.00 Bus Power (mA): 500 Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec Manufacturer: Vimicro Corp. Product ID: 0x305b Vendor ID: 0x0ac8 I am using the lastest release of macam (0.8.7) and the latest of mac os x: os x.4.7 Macam knows the name of the camera and thinks it is working with the camera. All of the functions of the application appear to work with the camera. The problem is that it captures absolutely no video. The snapshots/videos are just black screen. I have checked your faqs and this model is not listed as supported or even mentioned. I have done some research on this and have seen that other mac users have tried using this camera without success because of the company not supporting macs. There is a linux driver that says it supports this model, it is called "spca5xx/LE" and can be download at many websites if you google it. I also read elsewhere on the web that linux drivers can be ported easily to mac os x because of the shared *nix code. I can't say if that is true, but perhaps a simple solution to this would be to port it from this driver. There is of course an official windows XP driver as well readily downloadable on the net. I will gladly test any driver you come up with/ future release of macam and reply with details as per its functionality. Many thanks for your contribution to mac os x, -Phil [23 Nov 09] Desktop Publishing because—except on rare occasions—I am not a Solar System Photographer.

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