Etincelles et Compagnie

Etincelles et Compagnie

download to 10.13.5

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Main category Home Personal
Sub category Arts
Developer Ursa Software
Filesize 49152
Title MacStitch
◌ MacStitch 14.14

52% of people found this helpful.
Tissue fixation
Q: It seems to take a long time to save?
Based on 46 reviews
System requirements: MacStitch works on Macs with system 7.1 or later, requires 32Mb RAM. (virtual memory may need to be enabled for this). It will operate best on a high-color screen, but can be run on a 256 color system.
10.5 / 10.6 / OS X

New! version [50135 KB]

New on iMac [50135 KB]

Based on 37 reviews
Click Continue, then click Continue again when the next window appears.
Based on 97 reviews
Updates: Yearly; additional cost
Popularity: 86%
First, crop the new image so that you have a picture which is the right shape (the height is 1.5 times the width). Make sure that the head is a little less than half of the picture. Import into the program, and set the hpi to 18. Set the height to (18 x6) = 108 stitches. Set the width to (18 x 4) = 72 stitches. Click OK and your new design will match the size of the old one.
Updates: Yearly, additional cost
Q: Is WinStitch compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 10?

| 50135 KB | App DVWifE vers.14.17 MacStitch Featured for iMac

| 57999 KB | Get b6A version MacStitch Language English

| 53084 KB | Software eC5kAL MacStitch vers.14.15 14.18 Language Italian

| 51118 KB | Latest 12.77 MACSTITCH 45O4 for 10.13.4

| 39321 KB | Full bp9 vers MacStitch 14.18 Japanese version

| 57507 KB | Free MacStitch uBCiu 14.17 Best MacBook Pro

Recomended for Mac Pro {21903 KB} 3.5.2

Free! version ver-2.1.4-Movist-8RMg.tar.gz {62659 KB} 2.0.3

Languages German German Italian v.1.8.30.NotePlan.8TdFhl.tar.gz {19866 KB} 1.6.28

OS X vers.3.3.Vallum.Jl0uX.pkg {26771 KB} 3.0.3
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