Etincelles et Compagnie

Etincelles et Compagnie

(top 7) to Mojave IconJar where download

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Main category / Multimedia Design
Sub category / Icons
Developer / Davey Heuser and Curtis Hard
Filesize / 5939
Title / IconJar
➡ v 1.13.2 IconJar

​Affinity Designer | $39 For $39, this is an incredible value. Affinity designer got great features, excellent interface and is easy to use. We have a long time partnership with the creators of Iconjar (we are big fans of it!), so we got you an exclusive 20% discount to buy Iconjar. You will receive the coupon after you’ve purchased yourStreamline pack. 13 sets – 226 icons IJSVG is loosely based on UIBezierPath-SVG by ap4y Design hand-off becomes super easy with the help of our export feature. Just select the icons you want, pick the sizes you prefer, click export and we’ll handle the rest. Don't want to credit the author?

Featured on 10.12 {4751 kbytes}

Updated High Sierra {6651 kbytes}

Key list IconJar 1.13.2

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When you’re done you can click on the more icon in the left sidebar and click on Export IconJar... there. Alternatively you can click the Export > IconJar button in the inspector, which is visible when you have the “Icon Set” tab selected.
Free for 7 days, no credit card required.
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A new icon will be created in your collection.
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